I do believe that some of you know towards oil price right now. Who knows oil price falling down from $100/bbl to $30/bbl. This is trully nightmare for oilfield workers, included me at the first time.
The largest oilfield services company Schlumberger, the place where i'm wearing it's coverall makes transformation. In the other word, some of employees will lose their job. This is make me scared, at the first time.
Source:oil-price.net |
For example, in the end of 2014 when oil prices starts falling down. I collect my money and invest to everything that can make money back. Please do not monitor oil prices everyday, because it just will make you stuck. Just let it happen and stay positive. I do not know when i will start to hang my coverall, but i'm ready !
If you think positively, this is your chance to prove that you still can survive. No more working away from your family, no more sudden call that you must go to offshore, or they still keep you on the rig when your time on the rig is over. No more counting down when your days off is coming.
Who knows your new life will be better that you expected ? Brace yourself and be ready for transformation of your life !
Balikpapan, 21st February 2016